The Book Bucket List
Author Book
Homer |
Homer |
Aeschylus |
Aeschylus |
Aeschylus |
Aeschylus |
Sophocles |
Sophocles |
Sophocles |
Sophocles |
Sophocles |
Thucydides |
Euripides |
Euripides |
Herodotus |
Aristophanes |
Plato |
Plato |
Plato |
Republic |
Plato |
Apology |
Plato |
Crito |
Plato |
Phaedo |
Plato |
Symposium |
Plato |
Parmenides |
Plato |
Theaetetus |
Plato |
Sophist |
Plato |
Timaeus |
Plato |
Phaedrus |
Aristotle |
Poetics |
Aristotle |
Physics |
Aristotle |
Metaphysics |
Aristotle |
Nicomachean Ethics |
Aristotle |
On Generation and Corruption |
Aristotle |
Politics |
Aristotle |
Parts of Animals |
Aristotle |
Generation of Animals |
Euclid |
Elements |
Lucretius |
On the Nature of Things |
Plutarch |
Lucurgus |
Plutarch |
Solon |
Nicomachus |
Arithmetic |
Lavoisier |
Elements of Chemistry |
Harvey |
Motion of the Heart and Blood |
Archimedes |
Essays |
Fahrenheit |
Essays |
Avogadro |
Essays |
Dalton |
Essays |
Cannizzaro |
Essays |
Virchow |
Essays |
Mariotte |
Essays |
Driesch |
Essays |
Gay-Lussac |
Essays |
Spemann |
Essays |
Jj Thompson |
Essays |
Mendeleyev |
Essays |
Berthollet |
Essays |
Jl Proust |
Essays |
God |
Old Testament |
God |
New Testament |
Aristotle |
De Anima |
Aristotle |
On Interpretation |
Aristotle |
Prior Analytics |
Aristotle |
Categories |
Apollonius |
Conics |
Virgil |
Aenid |
Plutarch |
Caesar |
Plutarch |
Cato the Younger |
Plutarch |
Antony |
Plutarch |
Brutus |
Epictetus |
Discourses |
Epictetus |
Manual |
Tacitus |
Annals |
Ptolemy |
Almagest |
Plotinus |
The Enneads |
Augustine |
Confessions |
Maimonides |
Guide for the Perplexed |
St. Anselm |
Proslogium |
Aquinas |
Summa Theologica |
Dante |
Divine Comedy |
Chaucer |
Canterbury Tales |
Machiavelli |
The Prince |
Machiavelli |
Discourses |
Kepler |
Epitome IV |
Rabelais |
Gargantua and Pantagruel |
Palestrina |
Missa Papae Marcelli |
Montaigne |
Essays |
Viete |
Introduction to the Analytical Art |
Bacon |
Novum Organum |
Shakespeare |
Richard II |
Shakespeare |
Henry IV |
Shakespeare |
The Tempest |
Shakespeare |
As You Like It |
Shakespeare |
Hamlet |
Shakespeare |
Othello |
Shakespeare |
Macbeth |
Shakespeare |
King Lear |
Shakespeare |
Sonnets |
Marvell |
Poems |
Donne |
Poems |
Descartes |
Geometry |
Descartes |
Discourse on Method |
Pascal |
Generations of Conic Sections |
Bach |
St. Matthew Passion |
Bach |
Inventions |
Haydn |
Quartets |
Mozart |
Operas |
Beethoven |
Third Symphony |
Schubert |
Songs |
Monteverdi |
L'Orfeo |
Stravinsky |
Symphony of Psalms |
Cervantes |
Don Quixote |
Galileo |
Two New Sciences |
Hobbes |
Leviathan |
Descartes |
Meditations |
Descartes |
Rules for the Direction of the Mind |
Milton |
Paradise Lost |
La Rochefoucauld |
Maximises |
La Fontaine |
Fables |
Pascal |
Pensees |
Huygens |
Treatise on Light |
Huygens |
On the Movement of Bodies by Impact |
Eliot |
Middlemarch |
Spinoza |
Theological-Political Treatise |
Locke |
Second Treatise of Government |
Racine |
Phaedre |
Newton |
Principia Mathematica |
Leibniz |
Monadology |
Leibniz |
Discourse on Metaphysics |
Leibniz |
Essay on Dynamics |
Leibniz |
Philosophical Essays |
Leibniz |
Principles of Nature and Grace |
Swift |
Gulliver's Travels |
Hume |
Treatise of Human Nature |
Rousseau |
Social Contract |
Rousseau |
The Origin of Inequality |
Moliere |
Le Misanthrope |
Adam Smith |
Wealth of Nations |
Kant |
Critique of Pure Reason |
Kant |
Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals |
Mozart |
Don Giovanni |
Jane Austen |
Pride and Prejudice |
Dedekind |
Essay on the Theory of Numbers |
Founding Fathers |
Articles of Confederation |
Founding Fathers |
Declaration of Independence |
Founding Fathers |
Constitution of the United States of America |
Hamilton, Jay, And Madison |
The Federalist |
Twain |
The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin |
Wordsworth |
The Two-Part Prelude of 1799 |
Young |
Essays |
Taylor |
Essays |
Euler |
Essays |
D. Bernoulli |
Essays |
Orsted |
Essays |
Ampere |
Essays |
Faraday |
Essays |
Maxwell |
Essays |
Supreme Court |
Opinions |
Goethe |
Faust |
Darwin |
Origin of Species |
Hegel |
Phenomenology of Mind |
Hegel |
Logic |
Lobachevsky |
Theory of Parallels |
Tocqueville |
Democracy in America |
Lincoln |
Selected Speeches |
Frederick Douglass |
Selected Speeches |
Kierkegaard |
Philosophical Fragments |
Kierkegaard |
Fear and Trembling |
Wagner |
Tristan and Isolde |
Marx |
Capital |
Marx |
Political and Economic Manuscripts of 1844 |
Marx |
The German Ideology |
Dostoevski |
Brothers Karamazov |
Tolstoy |
War and Peace |
Melville |
Benito Cereno |
O'Connor |
Selected Stories |
William James |
Psychology |
William James |
Briefer Course |
Nietzsche |
Beyond Good and Evil |
Freud |
Introductory Lectures on Psychanalysis |
Booker T. Washington |
Selected Writings |
Dubois |
The Souls of Black Folk |
Husserl |
Crisis of the European Sciences |
Heidegger |
Basic Writings |
Einstein |
Selected Papers |
Conrad |
Heart of Darkness |
Faulkner |
Go Down Moses |
Flaubert |
Un Coeur Simple |
Woolf |
Mrs. Dalloway |
Yeats |
Poems |
Ts Eliot |
Poems |
Wallace Stevens |
Poems |
Valery |
Poems |
Rimbaud |
Poems |
Milikan |
Essays |
Minkowski |
Essays |
Rutherford |
Essays |
Davisson |
Essays |
Schrodinger |
Essays |
Bohr |
Essays |
De Broglie |
Essays |
Heisenberg |
Essays |
Mendel |
Essays |
Boveri |
Essays |
Beadle & Tatum |
Essays |
Sussman |
Essays |
Watson & Crick |
Essays |
Jacob & Monod |
Essays |
Hardy |
Essays |
Kant |
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics |
Kant |
Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals |
Hume |
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding |
Calvin |
Institutes |
Hegel |
Phenomenology of Spirit |
Heidegger |
Being and Time |
Kierkegaard |
Either/Or |
Merleau-Ponty |
Phenomenology of Perception |
Nietzsche |
On The Genealogy of Morals |
Porete |
Writings |
Julian Of Norwich |
Writings |
Theresa Of Avila |
Writings |
Whitehead |
Science and the Modern World |
Whitehead |
Process and Reality |
Wittgenstein |
Philosophical Investigations |
Xenophon |
Education of Cyprus |
Albert Camus |
Essays and Novels on Rebellion |
Albert Camus |
History |
Albert Camus |
The Absurd Ethics |
Descartes |
Passions of the Soul |
Carl Jung |
Essential Readings |
Montesquieu |
The Spirit of Laws |
Hegel |
Philosophy of Right |
Nozick |
Anarchy |
Nozick |
State |
Nozick |
Utopia |
Rousseau |
Discourses |
Weber |
Protestant Ethic |
Weber |
The Spirit of Capitalism |
Arendt |
The Origins of Totalitarianism |
Aristophanes |
Frogs |
Dostoevski |
Demons |
Ellison |
Invisible Man |
Flaubert |
Madame Bovary |
Laxness |
Independent People |
Anonymous |
Icelandic Sagas |
Borges |
Ficcones |
Joyce |
Ulysses |
Marquez |
One Hundred Years of Solitude |
Melville |
Moby Dick |
Proust |
Remembrance of Things Past |
Racine |
Brittanicus |
Racine |
Athalie |
Rousseau |
Emilie |
Rousseau |
Letters of Two Lovers Who Live in a Small Town at the
Foot of the Alps |
Shakespeare |
A Winter's Tale |
Tolstoy |
Anna Karenina |
Virgil |
Georgics |
Woolf |
To the Lighthouse |
Woolf |
Jacob's Room |
Faulkner |
The Sound and the Fury |
Polybius |
Histories |
Augustine |
City of God |
Livy |
History of Rome |
Gibbon |
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
Vico |
The New Science |
Kant |
Idea For a Universal History From a Cosmopolitan
Point of View |
Kant |
The Contest of Faculties |
Nietzsche |
The Use and Abuse of History |
Husserl |
The Vienna Lecture - Philosophy and the Crises of
European Humanity |
Heidegger |
The Age of The World Picture |
Adams |
History of the United States During the
Administration of Thomas Jefferson |
Burke |
Reflections On the Revolution in France |
Carlyle |
The French Revolution: A History |
Hegel |
The Philosophy of History |
Husserl |
The Crises of European Sciences |
Tocqueville |
The Old Regime and the French Revolution |
Augustine |
On Christian Doctrine |
Augustine |
On the Free Choice of Will |
Basil Of Caesaria |
On the Holy Spirit |
Athanasius |
The Life of Antony |
Athanasius |
On the Incarnation |
Benedict Of Nursia |
The Rule of St. Benedict |
Clement Of Alexandria |
Protrepticus |
Clement Of Alexandria |
Paedagogus |
Clement Of Alexandria |
Stromata |
Cyril Of Jerusalem |
Catechetical Lectures |
Gregory Of Nazianzus |
Theological Orations |
Gregory Of Nazianzus |
Homilies on "Our Father" |
Gregory Of Nyssa |
Life of Moses |
Boethius, Anicius |
The Consolation of Philosophy |
Irenaeus |
Against Heresies |
Justin Martyr |
First Apology |
Justin Martyr |
Second Apology |
Origen |
On First Principles |
Origen |
Commentaries |
Abelard, Peter |
Sic et Non |
Abelard, Peter |
Letters |
Anselm Of Canterbury |
Monologion |
Anselm Of Canterbury |
Cur Deus Homo? |
Anselm Of Canterbury |
Proslogion |
Aquinas, Thomas |
Summa Contra Gentiles, |
Aquinas, Thomas |
Questiones de Veritate |
Bede, Venerable |
Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum |
Bernard Of Clairvaux |
Commentary on the Song of Songs |
Bernard Of Clairvaux |
Sermons |
Bonaventure |
Life of St. Francis |
Bonaventure |
Itinerarium |
Bonaventure |
Collationes de Hexameron |
Bonaventure |
Sermons |
Catherine Of Sienna |
Dialogues |
Eckhart, Meister |
Sermons |
Julian Of Norwich |
Showings |
Richard Of St. Victor |
On the Trinity |
Ruysbroeck, John |
The Spiritual Espousals |
Scotus, Duns |
Ordinatio |
Scotus, Duns |
De Primo Principio |
Thomas A Kempis |
The Imitation of Christ |
Bellarmine, Robert |
Ordinatio |
Borromeo, Charles |
Tridentine Catechism |
De Sales, Francis |
Letters of Spiritual Direction |
Erasmus, Desiderius |
Praise of Folly |
Erasmus, Desiderius |
Enchiridion |
Ignatius Of Loyola |
Autobiography, |
Ignatius Of Loyola |
Spiritual Exercises |
John Of The Cross |
The Flame of Love |
John Of The Cross |
Ascent of Mount Carmel |
Lamennais, Felicite De |
Ouvres complètes de Lamennais |
Liguori, Alphonsus |
The Great Means of Salvation and Perfection |
Newman, John Henry |
Grammar of Assent, |
Newman, John Henry |
University Sermons |
Newman, John Henry |
The Idea of a University |
Teresa Of Avila |
Interior Castle |
Adam, Karl |
The Spirit of Catholicism |
Blondel, Maurice |
L'Action |
Chenu, Marie-Dominique |
Aquinas and His Role in Theology |
Congar, Yves |
I Believe in the Holy Spirit |
Day, Dorothy |
The Long Loneliness |
Danielou, Jean |
Prayer: The Heart of the Church |
De Lubac, Henri |
Surnatural, |
De Lubac, Henri |
The Drama of Atheistic Humanism |
Dulles, Avery Cardinal |
Models of the Church |
Gilson, Etienne |
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy |
Guardini, Romano |
The Lord |
Guardini, Romano |
Letters from Lake Como |
Gutierrez, Gustavo |
A Theology of Liberation |
Haring, Bernard |
Free and Faithful in Christ |
Lisieux, Therese Of |
The Story of a Soul |
Lonergan, Bernard |
Insight, |
Lonergan, Bernard |
Method in Theology |
Maritain, Jacques |
The Degrees of Knowledge |
Maritain, Jacques |
Integral Humanism |
Merton, Thomas |
The Seven Storey Mountain |
Metz, Johannes Baptist |
Faith in History and Society |
Mother Teresa |
Letters |
Murray, John Courtney |
We Hold These Truths |
Nouwen, Henri |
The Wounded Healer |
Rahner, Karl |
Theological Investigations |
Rahner, Karl |
Foundations of Christian Faith |
Ratzinger, Joseph |
Introduction to Christianity |
Ruether, Rosemary Radford |
Sexism and God-Talk |
Schillebeeckx, Edward |
Jesus, |
Schillebeeckx, Edward |
Christ |
Schillebeeckx, Edward |
Church |
Sertillanges, A.G. |
The Intellectual Life |
Teilhard De Chardin, Pierre |
The Phenomenon of Man |
Teilhard De Chardin, Pierre |
The Divine Milieu |
Von Balthasar, Hans Urs |
Glory of the Lord |
Wojtyla, Karol |
Love and Responsibility |
Aquinas, Thomas |
Commentary on the Sentences |
Bonaventure |
Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard |
Cusa, Nicholas Of |
On the Vision of God |
Lombard, Peter |
The Sentences |
Ockham, William Of |
Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard |
Scotus, John Duns |
Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard |
Scotus, John Duns |
De Primo Principio |
Anscombe, Elizabeth |
Collected Philosophical Papers |
Copleston, Frederick |
History of Philosophy |
Gilson, Etienne |
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy |
Macintyre, Alasdair |
After Virtue |
Marcel, Gabriel |
Homo Viator |
Pieper, Josef |
Leisure: The Basis of Culture, |
Pieper, Josef |
The Cardinal Virtues |
Maritain, Jacques |
Degrees of Knowledge |
Maritain, Jacques |
Integral Humanism |
Taylor, Charles |
Sources of the Self, |
Taylor, Charles |
Varieties of Religion Today |
Taylor, Charles |
A Secular Age |
Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne |
Funeral Orations |
Hopkins, Gerard Manley |
Poetry |
Montaigne, Michel De |
Meditations |
Thompson, Francis |
Poems |
Vico, Giambattista |
New Science |
Belloc, Hilaire |
Selected Essays |
Boll, Heinrich |
The Stories of Heinrich Boll |
Bernanos, Georges |
Diary of a Country Priest |
Bloy, Leon |
Le Désespéré |
Bloy, Leon |
La Femme pauvre |
Cairns, Scott |
Recovered Body |
Chesterton, G. K. |
Orthodoxy, |
Chesterton, G. K. |
The Man Who Was Thursday |
Claudel, Paul |
The Satin Slipper |
Dillard, Annie |
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek |
Dillard, Annie |
Holy the Firm |
Dubus, Andre |
Meditations from a Movable Chair |
Dubus, Andre |
Stories |
Endo, Shusaku |
Silence, |
Endo, Shusaku |
Deep River |
Endo, Shusaku |
Jesus: A Life |
Everson, William |
Collected Poems |
Gordon, Mary |
The Company of Women |
Greene, Graham |
Monsignor Quixote |
Greene, Graham |
The End of the Affair |
Greene, Graham |
The Power and the Glory |
Hampl, Patricia |
Virgin Time |
Hansen, Ron |
Mariette in Ecstasy |
Heaney, Seamus |
Opened Ground: Selected Poems: 1966-1996 |
Helprin, Mark |
A Soldier of the Great War |
Hijuelos, Oscar |
Mr. Ives' Christmas |
Horgan, Paul |
Great River |
Jarman, Mark |
Unholy Sonnets |
Jones, David |
Anathemata |
Levertov, Denise |
The Stream and the Sapphire |
Levine, Philip |
The Mercy |
L'heureux, John |
The Shrine at Altamira |
Lowell, Robert |
Lord Weary's Castle |
Mariani, Paul |
Salvage Operations |
McDermott, Alice |
Charming Billy |
Merton, Thomas |
New Seeds of Contemplation |
Milosz, Czeslaw |
Selected Poems |
Moore, Brian |
Black Robe |
Morrison, Toni |
Paradise |
Muggeridge, Malcolm |
Chronicles of Wasted Time |
O’Connor, Flannery |
Collected Works |
Péguy, Charles |
The Portal of the Mystery of Hope |
Percy, Walker |
The Last Gentleman |
Percy, Walker |
The Second Coming |
Percy, Walker |
The Moviegoer |
Powers, J. F. |
The Presence of Grace |
Rodriguez, Richard |
Hunger of Memory |
Sayers, Dorothy |
The Mind of the Maker |
Schneider, Reinhold |
Las Casas before Charles V |
Sheen, Fulton |
Life is Worth Living |
Silone, Ignazio |
Bread and Wine |
Spark, Muriel |
Memento Mori |
Tate, Allen |
Collected Poems |
Tolkien, J.R.R. |
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy |
Undset, Sigrid |
Kristin Lavreansdatter |
Waugh, Evelyn |
Brideshead Revisited |
Wilbur, Richard |
New and Collected Poems |
Wolff, Tobias |
In the Garden of the North American Martyrs |
Brownson, Orestes |
No Church, No Reform |
Hecker, Isaac |
The Church and the Age |
Lamennais, Felicite De |
Paroles D'un Croyant |
Ketteler, Bishop Wilhelm Von |
Christian Social Reform |
Ozanam, Frederic |
Mélanges |
Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal |
A Consistent Ethic of Life: An American Catholic
Dialogue |
Delbrel, Madeleine |
We the Ordinary People of the Streets |
Gutierrez, Gustavo |
A Theology of Liberation |
Lafarge, John |
The Catholic Viewpoint on Race Relations |
Maritain, Jacques |
The Person and the Common Good |
Merton, Thomas |
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander |
Michel, Virgil |
The Social Question |
Murray, John Courtney |
We Hold These Truths |
Ryan, John |
Distributive Justice |
Confucius |
Analects |
Mencius |
Books |
Chaung Tzu |
The Book of Chaung Tzu |
Han Fei Tzu |
Basic Writings of Mo Tzu |
Han Fei Tzu |
Hsun Tzu |
Han Fei Tzu |
Han Fei Tzu |
Rishis |
brihadaranyaka upanishad |
Mo Tzu |
Basic Writings of Mo Tzu |
Mo Tzu |
Hsun Tzu |
Mo Tzu |
Han Fei Tzu |
Hsun Tzu |
Basic Writings of Mo Tzu |
Hsun Tzu |
Hsun Tzu |
Hsun Tzu |
Han Fei Tzu |
Lao Tzu |
The Way of Lao Tzu |
Rishis |
The Rig Veda |
Rishis |
Katha Upanishad |
Kalidasa |
kumarasambhavam |
Kalidasa |
shakuntala |
Rishis |
purva mimamsa |
Buddha |
The Noble Quest |
Buddha |
Kalama Sutra |
Buddha |
The Great Discord on Cause |
Buddha |
samyutta nikaya |
Buddha |
malunkyaputta sutta |
Buddha |
Discourse on the parable of the water |
Buddha |
Aggi-Vacchagotta Sutta |
Buddha |
Assalayana Sutta |
Buddha |
The Wheel-Turning Monarch |
Buddha |
The Sigalovada Sutta |
Anandavardhana |
The Dhvanyāloka of Ānandavardhana with the Locana of
Abhinavagupta |
Buddha |
Carvaka |
Buddha |
the greater discourse on the foundations of
mindfulness |
Buddha |
the greater discourse on the destruction of craving |
Buddha |
Madhupindika Sutta: The Honeyball |
Buddha |
Discourses to Prince Abhaya |
Buddha |
discourses to potthapada |
Buddha |
Discourses on the Three-Fold Knowledge |
Buddha |
Lotus Sutra |
Japan |
The Tale of the Heike |
Sei Shonagon |
The Pillow Book |
Dogen |
Bendowa |
Dogen |
Genjokoan |
Dogen |
Uji |
Basho |
Journey of Bleached Bones in a field |
Basho |
Kashima Journal |
Basho |
Knapsack Notebook |
Basho |
Sarashine Journal |
Basho |
The Narrow Road to the Deep North |
Kukai |
The Difference Between Extoteric and Estoteric
Buddhaism |
Kukai |
Attaining Enlightenment in this Very Existence |
Kukai |
The Meanings of Sound, word and Reality |
Kukai |
Major Works |
Kamo No Chomei |
Hojoki or the record of the ten foot square hut |
Kenko |
Complete works |
Clement |
First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians |
Clement |
Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians |
Barnabas |
The Epistle of Barnabas |
Apostles |
Didache |
Hermas |
The Shepherd of Hermas |
Polycarp |
The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians |
Polycarp |
The Martyrdom of Polycarp |
Ignatius Of Antioch |
To the Ephesians |
Ignatius Of Antioch |
To the Magnesians |
Ignatius Of Antioch |
To the Trallians |
Ignatius Of Antioch |
To the Romans |
Ignatius Of Antioch |
To the Philadelphians |
Ignatius Of Antioch |
To the Smyrnaeans |
Ignatius Of Antioch |
To Polycarp |
Mathetes |
The Epistle of Mathetes (Believer/Disciple) to
Diognetus |
Tertullian |
The Apparel of Women |
Tertullian |
To the Martyrs |
Tertullian |
Spectacles |
Tertullian |
Prayer |
Tertullian |
Patience |
Cyprian |
To Demetrian |
Cyprian |
To Donatus |
Cyprian |
The Dress of Virgins |
Cyprian |
That Idols Are Not Gods |
Cyprian |
Jealousy and Envy |
Cyprian |
The Lapsed |
Cyprian |
The Lord's Prayer |
Cyprian |
Exhortation to Martyrdom, to Fortunatus |
Cyprian |
Mortality |
Cyprian |
The Good of Patience |
Cyprian |
The Unity of the Catholic Church |
Cyprian |
Works and Almsgiving |
Athanasius |
On the Incarnation |
****** *********************************
a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.
In addition to her travel writings at, you can also read her book reviews at and US military biographies at
Her online photography gallery can be found at
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