The Bucket List Book Adventure: Book 17 - Meno - Plato
Dear Henry, Book 17 of the Bucket List is DONE! Let me tell you all about Meno by Plato. Meno by Plato.....rather fun to say out loud. Plato was born into an aristocratic family in Athens, Greece, around 428/427 BC. He was a student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle. Plato's greatest claim to fame is his founding of The Academy, a center for learning in ancient Greece and the foundation of today's universities. Plato was heavily influenced by Socrates, the philosopher and Athenian teacher who lived from 470 to 399 BC. Despite his influence on the foundations of Greek thought and philosophy, Socrates really seemed to rub many people the wrong way, and his teaching style was often parodied by comedic writers of the time. However, Aristophanes' "Clouds" is the only surviving work. Meno was a leading aristocratic family from Thessaly and an ally of the Athenian nobility, and in this writing, Plato crafted a dialogue between a soldier of the M...