
Showing posts from October, 2023

Meanwhile, At the Corner of Disappointment and Disillusionment

 Dear Henry, In the early 1990s, I began reading Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" books and was hooked on the story. I was so hooked, in fact, that I started stalking bookstores for the latest release.   The "Wheel of Time" is a tremendously long story, and in 2006, eleven books into the series, I began watching impatiently for the next book while simultaneously hoping he would wrap the story up. But that was not to be. Robert Jordan was diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis and died in 2007.    I was so disappointed that I wasn't going to learn the end of the story, and recently, I've found myself back in that place of disappointment. Years ago, when the injuries from " the accident " required an early retirement, I had anticipated earning "enough" from the advertisement revenues on my blogs and the occasional photography sale. I never expected to gain the popularity of Didion or Adams, but I thought I could earn something. I had read a...