The Bucket List Book Adventure: Book 14 - Bacchae

Dear Henry, Book 14, Euripides "Bacchae" of the Bucket List Book Adventure ( read about that here ), is done! Let me tell you all about it. Bacchae was one of the final plays of Euripides (c484-406 BC) and was not performed at the Festival of Dionysus until 405 BC, a year or so after his death, and would win the festival that year. So far, in my limited reading of ancient Greek literature, I have come to the opinion that of the three great tragedians - Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides, Euripides wrote the darkest work. (Aeschylus' " Ajax " was pretty darned dark too) "H ippolytus " made me say 'wow,' but Euripides's play "Bacchae" really hit close to home. The play is about the god Dionysus's interaction with Theban Cadmus, his daughter Agave, and his grandson King Pentheus. Dionysus had a beef with all three. Dionysus was the son of Zeus and the mortal woman Semele, who was also a daughter of Cadmus. Hera found out abo...