Judas and The Onions

Dear Henry, I have just recently finished a study on the Gospel of Matthew, and while I've gone through this gospel several times, I am always surprised by some part of the story that sticks out. This time, it was Judas Iscariot and his betrayal of Jesus. Did you know that Judas's motivation for that betrayal is nowhere in the scriptures? Of course, we all know he received 30 pieces of silver for his betrayal, but even then, 30 pieces of silver wasn't a great deal of money. Perhaps about four months' wages and a small amount for condemning a person to death, much less a friend and the Messiah. And I wonder if the lack of Judas's reasons and excuses is deliberate. In other words, it doesn't matter WHY Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, only that he did. His "reasons" are "beside the point." And it occurred to me, during my contemplations, that I do something similar (albeit not nearly as severe) to my husband all of the time. You see, I have a...