The First Ashes: A Story of Lent

Dear Henry, Has anyone ever asked you, "when you heard the call?" I've been contemplating this question lately. I seriously approached the Big G and the church on an Ash Wednesday, so every Ash Wednesday has been very nostalgic since then. When I get that question, I generally refer people to my posts " Taking the Back Road to Rome " and " Finding God In Gomorrah " to explain how and why I found God and converted to Catholicism. Recently, though, someone realized I was holding back part of the story and asked, "That's it? But what made you actually decide to walk through the door?" Sigh. Why I chose that day to walk into Mass is a sad story. And because so many of my stories are sad, I don't like to tell them. I feel like a croaking little raven whenever I talk about my life. Plus, there is a weird backstory as well. The story starts back on my parent's wedding day. As I've mentioned, my parents were raised in a restoration ...