A Pilgrimage to the Saint Pope John Paul II National Shrine in Washington DC

Dear Henry, On my last trip to Washington, DC , in addition to seeing the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception , I also toured the Saint Pope John Paull II National Shrine. When you mention Saint John Paul II, most Catholics I know immediately say something like "I love him" or "he was my favorite pope." But he went on to heaven years before my conversion. So when I went to see the Shrine, the only thing I really knew about Saint John Paul II was that he had miraculously survived an assassination attempt and that he was everyone's favorite pope. So I feel like I should just turn in my Catholic card by saying that. Anyway... The Shrine is absolutely stunning. The Shrine began as a cultural center in 2001 (four years before his death), a place to come and learn about the faith. The center also held regular exhibits featuring religious art. After Saint John Paul II died in 2005, the building began to transform, and the site formally became a shrine in...