Finding God in Gomorrah - How I Discovered God - A Journey Through Books.

Dear Henry, Previously, I mentioned the nun that directed me toward the Catholic church , but I never touched on why I felt the need to seek God in the first place. It's a much longer story. I've already disclosed that my parents, Team BK, led atypical lives that placed me in a sphere outside of the area's religion and decent, conventional behavior. As a result, I struggled to find my way, especially during my teenage and young adult years. People say that God will never give you a life without giving you the tools to get through it, and while it took me a while to realize it, I was given some fantastic gifts. I have an innate sense of direction and generally know which way is north, even indoors. I can also "see" light, a talent I use in photography , and finally, I love reading. I found my way through books. *Side note: I owe an outstanding debt to my dad - my mother's second husband - for my ability to take advantage of these gifts. He taught me to read ...