Toodaloo Tulsa! We're Relocating to Roanoke!

Dear Henry, I know it's been a while, but some significant changes are happening. To begin with, we are 1,000 miles away from where we were the last time we talked. Tulsa didn't work out for us, so we are now in Roanoke, Virginia. It's been a journey. In the fall of 2020, it wasn't our preferred location when we relocated to Tulsa, Oklahoma. However, Fish aspired to obtain a regional or divisional position, and Tulsa seemed like a good step. Unfortunately, it began poorly with our time in the " smelly apartment " and never improved. Sure, I appreciated the art scene and found people I enjoyed, but I never got comfortable there. The biggest challenge was the wind. " The Accident " has left a lot of weird neurological stuff that has made living in a high-wind location difficult for me, and I found myself spending more and more time inside to get out of it. Fish wasn't pleased in Tulsa either. Both of us are avid hikers, and Fish loves trout fishi...