Learning About Laura - A Visit to the Little House on the Prairie Museum in Independence Kansas

Dear Henry, While I was growing up, some of my favorite books were the stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie . A couple of years ago, I was able to visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield, Missouri, and to check out all of the china (including her chicken egg holder) that she had somehow managed to cart about the plains in a covered wagon, a feat, I should add, that I am still highly impressed with. Coincidently, it was around the time of my visit to the Missouri site that the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal was being renamed the Children's Literature Legacy Award because of statements made about Native American peoples in the Little House on the Prairie books. Most of the damning language occurred in the series' second book, which was written about the short time the family spent living near what is now Independence, Kansas. Only it wasn't Kansas when the Ingalls moved there; it was the Osage Diminished Reserve, and the Ingalls f...