The Veggie Patch

Dear Henry, The second bed we placed was one for vegetables. This bed runs approximately 25 feet along the north fence line, is one foot deep, and is three feet across. This spot gets sun almost all day, and it seemed like the perfect place for the garden now that the drain was installed. I felt like we were racing against time to get to the garden, although, in reality, I was a bit early. The last average frost date for the area is April 4th, and I had everything planted before the 15th. However, the late spring storms meant that I was tarping the garden several times, and, in hindsight, I wondered if I should have worked on other projects first. This year, I've planted four Cherokee purple tomatoes, six banana peppers, two summer squash plants, and four cucumbers. Along the front border, there are also basil, oregano, thyme, sage, rosemary, and lavender plants. Unfortunately, the spacing feels a little awkward, and next year, I will organize the plants differently in the bed. I ...