Attempts at Okie Acclimation - The Sooner Saga

Dear Henry, The move to Oklahoma could also be titled "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (unfortunately, that title is already taken) and I feel quite ungrateful saying so, because the move answered many prayers but, I did "something" to aggravate old injuries from the accident (read about it here) and, combined with the record-breaking cold temperatures of this Winter, I have found myself struggling just to "keep moving" and to keep up on daily tasks. I have found it next to impossible to get out of the house and get new images. By some quirk of "how-the-body-heals-after-a-significant-trauma", sitting, with arms upraised (the driving a car or typing on a computer position) has always been the most uncomfortable position for me post-accident. I have struggled to keep up to date on my blogs and photo editing. I've struggled to drive. I have been struggling to work. And I find myself wondering what's supposed to be a normal challenge and ...