Serendipity and Schoenmakers Window - A Visit to the Osage Nation's Immaculate Conception Church in Pawhuska

Dear Henry, During our recent outing to Osage Hills State Park , I noticed that we were near the Osage Nation and the town of Pawhuska, where a shrine to St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American to be canonized, was located at the Immaculate Conception Church. This shrine is on my list of "places I wanted to see," and I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the shrine was outside and always open. So, since we were close, we decided to head over. I should probably clarify right away - While the St. Kateri Tekakwitha shrine is outside, it is not always open, and, as I stood outside, trying to peer through the window into the shrine, one of the parishioners Mr. Lynn, who just happened to be at the parish hall, asked if we wanted to see "their windows" at the church. Like the Tulsa Cathedral , the windows are Munich Glass from the Royal Bavarian Stained Glass Manufactory, and while they are all stunning, it was this window in particular that Mr. Lynn wante...