Hiking to Hanging Lake in Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Dear Henry, Today, we went for quite the climb, but it was worth it. A lake is along I-70, just east of Glenwood Spring, Colorado. The lake is on a geologic fault that "fell" away from its valley above it and hangs on the side of the mountain. It's a steep hike up, with some rather scary stairs at the very end. It was also a hot and thirsty hike, but the lake was amazing. The lake is crystal clear and has a bunch of little native fish. It's also a pretty busy place. I've gone on a weekend, and this is (understandably) a popular hike. If I had scheduled my visit better, getting good shots of the lake would have been much easier. Still, this is a great day hike, even with the crowds. The area is just that spectacular. Parking was easy, but the hike was steep, and you had to bring a lot of water. xoxo a.d. elliott ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia. In addition to her trave...